
Registration Process

How to register your child for enrolment

For your child to be considered for placement or for future waitlists please register, complete and submit your forms utilising our online system.

Please note that the online system gives options of days of attendance. As we operate 3 Programs please choose from the following:
– 2 Days Program of Monday and Tuesday OR Thursday and Friday
– 3 Day Program of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday OR Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
– 5 Days Program Monday to Friday.

Please note that a submitted Enrolment Application does not guarantee a placement at the Children’s House. Placements are offered according to our enrolment policy and influenced by available vacancies.

The process of enrolment is as follows:
  1. Enrolment waitlist form – Complete and submit through our online system.
  2. Interview – You will be contacted when a place becomes available that matches your requirements. The Director will then arrange a tour of the facilities and your family interview.
  3. Offer of place – Following your interview, if you and your child meet all the requirements for placement, an offer of place will be emailed to you.
  4. Confirmation of offer – Upon receipt of our offer of place please confirm your acceptance to us via email.
  5. Secure place & Orientation – Once confirmation is received from you, your child’s orientation afternoon will be arranged. On this day they will spend some time in their classroom to meet their Educator’s, and to be introduced to the Avenues Community.
  6. Bond & Levy – You will be issued an invoice for payment of your Bond and Levy. Payment is required prior to your child’s start date.

We understand that this can be a lengthy process and thank you for your patience and understanding. We look forward to meeting you and have you join the Avenues community.